第3题: [多项选择]关于内燃机,以下说法正确的有() A. 燃料在汽缸内部进行燃烧,新产生的气体直接将所含热能转变为机械的能力装置称为内燃机 B. 按工作爆发原理可分为:二冲程和四冲程 C. 按冷却方式可分为:自然吸气式和增压式 D. 按冷却方式可分为:水冷式、风冷式 E. 以上都对 参考答案:A,B,C,D
第9题: [单项选择]在工程施工中产生的各种垃圾应( )。 A. 按规定处置后及时运出场外 B. 随意任何方法运出 C. 在工程竣工后再运出场外 D. 全部回填利用 参考答案:A
第10题: [简答题]You have read the following magazine advertisement in which a company is looking for a secretary. Secretary Needed 参考答案:
June BDth,B00I
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m writing to apply for the position you advertised in the fifth issue of Modern Times of this year.
For the past six years, I’ve been working as secretary to the manager of a hotel. I can type about AE0 words per minute. I can speak fluent English and am good at writing commercial articles. I am also good at communicating with others, which enables me to be an excellent teamworker.
I’d very much appreciate it if you could give me a chance for an interview. I’m looking forward to receiving your reply at your earliest convenience.
Enclosed are my resume and a photo.
Sincerely yours,
Xiao Tao
第28题: [单项选择]以下所列手足癣中,不适宜内服抗真菌药伊曲康唑与特比萘芬治疗的是 A. 问擦型足癣 B. 水疱型足癣 C. 糜烂型足癣 D. 鳞屑型足癣 E. 角化皲裂型足癣 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 考察重点是对治疗手足浅表性真菌感染应用抗真菌药的掌握。“糜烂型”足癣宜用洗剂;不适宜内服抗真菌药伊曲康唑与特比萘芬治疗。