第1题: [简答题]情景: 你的英语成绩不是很好,所以,两个月以前你曾委托同学小芳帮你找一位英语教师补课,可是到现在还没有消息,你很着急。 任务: 写一张50字左右的便条给小芳,向她追问此事,假定你是李君: ·她曾经答应过要给你寻一位英语老师; ·如今两个月过去了,不知此事怎样了; ·你急需一位英语老师; ·如能答复将不胜感激。 参考答案:[范文] Dear Xiao Fang, You promised to recommend me an English teacher. But two months have elapsed since we talked on this matter.What is the situation now I am urgently in need of the teacher.I shall be grateful if you can give me an answer very soon. Looking forward to seeing you. Sincerely, Li Jun