第14题: [单项选择](Although) the wages for all the members of the working staff (increase regular), so (their expenses do); for the prices for everything (are increasing dramatically) at the same time. A. Although B. increase regular C. their expenses do D. are increasing dramatically 参考答案:C 答案解析:应改为do their expenses,与前面so联系起来,表示“…也…”。
第19题: [单项选择]女性,14岁,月经来潮后出血不止伴皮肤瘀点、瘀斑。发病前2周有感冒史,脾轻度肿大,PLT20×109/L,PAIgG和PAC3升高,PT正常,骨髓象示增生活跃,巨核细胞增多,颗粒型为主。诊断为() A. 再生障碍性贫血 B. 急性ITP C. 急性白血病 D. MDS E. 过敏性紫癜 参考答案:B