第7题: [单项选择]下列可作为Visual Basic变量名的是( )。 A. A#A B. 4A C. XY D. constA 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 变量名必须以字母开头,所以选项B是错误的;不可以包含嵌入的句号或者类型声明字符,如$、!、@、#、%,以及通配符、*等,所以选项A和选项C是错误的;另外,变量名还不能超过255个字符,也不能
第9题: [单项选择]Which of the following details is INCORRECT A. The two ferries sank on different days. B. The accidents were caused by storms. C. The two ferries sank on the same river. D. More people were rescued from the first ferry. 参考答案:A