第15题: [单项选择]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A. Because she doesn’t drink coffee. B. Because she has a plane to catch. C. Because she has to go to a lesson. D. Because she doesn’t like the man. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] Why can’t the womanjoin the man for coffee
第37题: [单项选择]法国波尔多5大顶级名庄分别是指下列哪五个庄园?() A. 宝嘉龙庄园;力士金庄园;雄狮庄园;里鹏庄园;柏图斯庄园 B. 拉菲庄园;拉图庄园;玛歌庄园;木桐庄园;奥比良庄园 C. 法拉利庄园;龙船庄园;罗曼尼康帝;佳德美庄园;大宝庄园 D. 西施佳雅;靓茨伯庄园;玫瑰山庄;泰来斯红酒王;圣卡罗红酒王 参考答案:B