第12题: [单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. He dislikes museums and galleries. B. He does not care about the weather. C. Going to the beach is the best choice. D. He doesn’t want to go to Washington. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Shall we go to Washington for the coming holiday Oh, but the weather is terribly ha
第31题: [多项选择]患者女,72岁,因“突发左侧肢体无力3d,加重伴意识不清1d”来诊。既往有高血压、心房颤动和心力衰竭病史。查体:昏睡,瞳孔等大正圆,直径3mm,对光反射灵敏,双眼右侧凝视,左侧中枢性面瘫,左侧肢体肌力0级,左侧病理反射阳性,GCS=11,APACHEⅡ=17。目前不适合该患者的营养途径有() A. 经口进食营养 B. 经鼻胃管营养 C. 经鼻肠管营养 D. 内镜下经皮置管至胃营养 E. 内镜下经皮置管至十二指肠营养 F. 开腹置管至空肠营养 参考答案:A, F