第6题:[单项选择]<BR><BR><DIV><TABLEcellSpacing=0cellPadding=0width="100%"border=0><TBODY><TR><TDvAlign=topwidth="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV><br/>A.Attheairport<br/>B.Inthelibrary<br/>C.Atthebank<br/>D.Atthepostoffice<br/>参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
M: Good morning. I’d like to open a saving account.
W: Ok. Please fill out this form first.
第16题: [单项选择]25岁,初产妇,孕40周,规律宫缩2小时,LOA,胎心140次/分,骨盆外测量未见异常,B超测胎头BPD 9.6cm,羊水指数 12cm,NST反应型。 宫口开全半小时,宫缩减弱,胎心144次/分。阴道检查:先露头,S+3,右枕横位,此时处理方法是 A. 行剖宫产术 B. 侧切,经阴道分娩 C. 肌注哌替啶(杜冷丁)100mg D. 静滴缩宫素,手转儿头,产钳助产术 E. 吸氧 参考答案:D 答案解析:先露已经下降至+3,宫缩弱,首先点滴缩宫素调整宫缩,再行手转胎头至枕前位分娩。
第40题: [单项选择]Marie felt nervous when she knocked at the door because ______. A. it was her first day in a new job B. she was a little bit late for work C. she was afraid that she had gone to the wrong place D. there was no answer from inside the office 参考答案:B 答案解析:解析:第一天上班迟到,所以紧张。