第29题: [简答题]How should language rules be learned according to the Direct Method? 参考答案:
Language rules are learned inductively through listening and speaking activities. The teacher sets up a few carefully chosen illustrations of a rule and leads the students to discover the relationship of the new elements to others previously learned. Students work out the rule governing those examples. In other words, students have to induce grammatical rules from examples in the text. A language could best be learned by being used actively in the classroom.
第30题: [单项选择]男性患者,49岁,剑突下疼痛伴呕吐半年余,加重1周,CT增强轴位及冠状位如图4-3,最可能的诊断为() A. 胃癌 B. 胃间质瘤 C. 胃炎合并溃疡 D. 胃淋巴瘤 参考答案:A 答案解析:CT表现:胃窦部胃壁局限性增厚,增强扫描病灶明显强化。胃窦部胃小弯可见肿大淋巴结。胃癌是消化系统常见恶性肿瘤之一,根据胃癌的进程可分为早期胃癌及进展期胃癌。进展期胃癌是指胃癌深度超过黏膜下层,已超过肌
第31题: [单项选择]测血压的袖带缠得过紧可导致() A. 血压偏低 B. 脉压加大 C. 收缩压偏高 D. 舒张压偏高 E. 舒张压偏低 参考答案:A 答案解析:袖带过宽可使血压测量值偏低,袖带过窄可使血压测量值偏高;袖带过松可使血压测量值偏高,袖带过紧可使血压测量值偏低。