第4题: [单项选择]按照人体运动发育规律,正确的运动训练顺序是 A. 坐位平衡-单膝立位平衡-双膝立位平衡-站位平衡 B. 单膝立位平衡-双膝立位平衡-坐位平衡-站位平衡 C. 坐位平衡-双膝立位平衡-单膝立位平衡-站位平衡 D. 坐位平衡-站位平衡-单膝立位平衡-双膝立位平衡 E. 单膝立位平衡-坐位平衡-双膝立位平衡-站位平衡 参考答案:D 答案解析:偏瘫患者运动障碍从坐位到步行的恢复顺序是坐稳、站立、单腿独立负重、站立位双下肢重心转移,为步行做准备。
第15题: [单项选择]PC机数据总线信号的状态是( )。 A. 单向双态 B. 单向三态 C. 双向双态 D. 双向三态 参考答案:D
第16题: [单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. Their company has a good profit. B. The man will cut the budget for his project. C. The woman wants the man to reduce his expenditure. D. Bob’s projects are always profitable. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] W:Our company is now running in the red.So,we would really appreciate if your team could c