参考答案:Topic A: Competition Tips, Words and Expressions keep in touch with friends / learn not to take the negative feeling back home / work-out or do some sports / beware the bullets / accept responsibilities / manage your self-talk / evaluate your behaviour / focus on the good side / never miss an opportunity / stop complaining Topic B: Work Tips, Words and Expressions evidence to prove your loyalty and dependability / sense of security or belonging / focus on one field and accumulate more expertise / relatively easier to build clients network / good relationship with coworkers / have real responsibility for things that matter / promotion and on-job training goes to those who stay longer in the company Sample Presentation: Over the past few years, due to the fierce competition and heavy pressure, job-hopping has already become a fashion in the workforce. As to whether people should be encouraged to change their jobs frequently, there arises a contentious discussion. Personally I am of the opinion that we should not hop from job to job. It is undeniable that job-hopping is becoming a growing trend in today’s workforce. Moving from job to job every couple of years is looked upon as a way to move upward in responsibility quickly and keep skills fresh and up to date. However we shall never lose sight of the risks of changing jobs too often. Tradition tells us those who spend years and years at one job, in one office, in one city are stable. Often, stability equals success. Moreover, if you were a chronic job-hopper, people may be questioning your integrity and loyalty. Employers don’t like to see resumes filled with short-term jobs. They would rather hire a person who has commitment and devotion to an employer. Job switching too rapidly makes employers think the individual can’t get promoted, isn’t reliable, can’t be a team member, or is so egotistical or self-centered that no job can meet his or her expectations. From the above discussion, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that it is not always advisable to hop from job to job. An old saying may well illustrate my view, "Jack of all trades and master of none." Job-hopping: broaden your experience before sticking to one / fresh life with every new job / willingness to learn / find your strength through trying different jobs / great challenge to Sample Presentation: I think changing jobs can be a good thing because you can broaden your experience and also the likelihood is that by having tried different things you are more likely to settle on something that you want to stick with for a bit longer. Also I guess that one thing about modem economy is that flexibility is very highly valued. That does mean that we don’t really have jobs for life any more, which a lot of people find quite difficult. But then I think that there is a new generation which has adapted quite well to that. The other thing is that there are so many new jobs that didn’t exist perhaps B0 years ago, they exist now. And perhaps older people haven’t had the chance to do them, so I think there is a big generational difference in terms of our attitudes to finding work and also how long we stay in each particular job. Especially for your young people, when you leave university and you don’t necessary know entirely what you want to do. Some people have a definite career path they want to follow; but if you leave and you’re just not sure quite what you want, I think it’s good to move around and try different things. Topic C: Life style Tips. Words and Expressions extra working hours / less time with family and friends / stress from work / mind occupied by work / no clear line between work and spare time / can be reached by mobile BD/G, even on holiday 第29题:[单选题]铸坯表面不常见缺陷有( )。( ) A.裂纹; B.气泡; C.耳子。 参考答案:A 第30题:[单选题]旅游风险提示级别的制定部门是()。 A.外交部 B.国务院旅游主管部门 C.全国人大 D.国家安全局 参考答案:B 第31题:[单选题]双线自动闭塞区段,有反方向运行条件时,出站信号机应装设( )。 A.进路表示器 B.发车表示器 C.容许信号 D.引导信号 参考答案:A 第32题:[判断题]在道路上施工应装设遮栏(围栏),并悬挂警告标示牌。 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A 第33题:[单选题] 半自动闭塞区段,出站色灯信号机显示( )灯光,准许列车由车站出发,开往次要线路。(应知应会-《技规》-第417条) A. 一个月白色 B. 两个绿色 C. 一个绿色 D. 一个黄色 参考答案:B 第34题: [单项选择]有关骨与关节结核的治疗,下列不正确的是() A. 全身支持治疗、联合应用抗结核药 B. 局部制动 C. 局部注射抗结核药 D. 必要时手术治疗 E. 常规配合应用三代头孢菌素 参考答案:E 我来回答: 提交