A. their knowledge of this phenomenon is limited. B. they believe the oceans are dying. C. they fear an invasion from outer space. D. they have identified thousands of alien webs. 参考答案:A 答案解析:海洋学家担忧的主要原因是:“What concerns Carlton and his fellow marine ecologists is the lack of knowledge about
第5题: [多项选择]我国刑法理论中实质一罪包括: A. 想象竞合犯 B. 结果加重犯 C. 继续犯 D. 结合犯 参考答案:A,B,C 答案解析:理由:本题考查一罪的类型及各类型的界限问题。 我国刑法中将一罪分为单纯的一罪、实质的一罪、法定的一罪和处断的一罪四种类型。而实质的一罪是指外观上具有数罪的某些特征,但实质上只实施了一个犯罪行