第21题: [简答题]情景: 假如你中了500万,你准备怎么花 任务: 请用英语写一篇50字左右的短文,谈谈你的想法。内容如下: 1.如果我中了500万,我会将一部分捐给慈善机构。 2.将一部分存人银行等它升值 3.将一部分捐给医疗机构。 4.将剩余部分买房买车。 用下列格式: If I won 5 million yuan…
参考答案:[范文] If I won 5 million Yuan,I would give some of it to the charity.And I would put some in the bank to watch it grow. Perhaps I would give some to the medical research.Then I would spend the rest of it buying a car and a big house.I hope my dream can come true in the future.