第5题: [单项选择]十二经脉气血充盛有余时,则渗注于 A. 经别 B. 别络 C. 孙络 D. 浮络 E. 奇经 参考答案:E 答案解析:[解析] 奇经八脉对十二经脉的气血起着蓄积和渗灌的调节作用。十二经脉气血溢满时,则流注于奇经八脉,蓄以备用。 [命题规律] 考查“经络”。重点掌握。 [错误陷阱] 十二经脉气血不足时,可由
第25题: [单项选择]下列选项中与“王静和赵国是军人”判断类型不相同的是()。 A. 郭沫若和海子是诗人 B. 张继科和王皓是冠军 C. 孙亮和李强是战友 D. 韩红和周杰伦是歌手 参考答案:C 答案解析:A、B、D项都和题干中表达的意思一样,是人与人同为一种职业身份,而C项“孙亮和李强是战友”表达的是一种人物关系。
第26题: [单项选择]急性喉炎易发生喉阻塞的年龄段是() A. 1~6个月的婴儿 B. 6个月至3岁的儿童 C. 3~12岁的儿童 D. 成人 E. 老年人 参考答案:B
第34题: [简答题]What are the main characteristics of the Oral Approach And what is the main difference between this Approach and the. Direct Method 参考答案:
The main characteristics of the Oral Approach are as follows: (A) Language teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally before it is presented in the written form. (B) The target language is the language of classroom. Translation should be avoided. (C) New language points are introduced and practised situationally. (D) Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that common core words are covered. (E) Simple forms of grammar are taught before complex ones, and inductively. (F) Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established. The Oral Approach insists the new language points be taught situationally. The Direct Method holds the meanings and the target language should be associated directly without referring to students’s first language.