第27题: [单项选择]与手厥阴相表里的经脉是( ) A. 足厥阴 B. 足少阳 C. 足阳明 D. 手太阳 E. 手少阳 参考答案:E 答案解析:十二经脉在体内与脏腑相连属,其中阴经属脏络腑,阳经属腑络脏,一脏配一腑,一阴配一阴,形成了脏腑阴阳表里属络关系。即手太阴肺经与手阳明大肠经相表里,手厥阴心包经与手少阳三焦经相表里,手少阴心经与手太阳小
第31题: [单项选择]Many of the most acclaimed film schools are located ______ , as they are the two major film centers in the United States. 参考答案:in New York and in Los Angeles 答案解析:[解析] Many of the most acclaimed film schools are located ______ ,as they are the two major film cent