[单项选择]In Para. 1, the writer suggests that the Secretary of State for the Environment has ______. A. created an impossible target B. provided a target without a method C. given clear details of how to achieve a target D. given manufacturers a target to aim for
第13题: [单项选择]4个月小儿,近一个月来流涎多。吃奶好,不哭闹,口腔黏膜无异常发现,应考虑为() A. 疱疹性口腔炎 B. 溃疡性口腔炎 C. 生理性流涎 D. 鹅口疮 E. 单纯性口腔炎 参考答案:C 答案解析:新生儿舌短而宽,口腔黏膜柔嫩,足月新生儿生后即具有较好的吸吮功能、吞咽功能;早产儿则较差。新生儿唾液腺发育不成熟,3~4个月时唾液分泌逐渐增多,5~6个月时更为显著,但尚不能及时吞咽所分泌的唾液,故常