第2题: [单项选择]______ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve. A. At the bottom B. At the height C. On the top D. In the end 参考答案:B 答案解析:本题题句______of the financial crisis,all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve的意
第9题:[单选题]根据世界银行的建议,要维持退休前的生活水平不下降,养老金替代率应不低于()。 A. 55% B. 60% C. 65% D. 70% 参考答案:D 养老金替代率是指劳动者退休时的养老金领取水平与退休前工资收入水平之间的比率。它是衡量劳动者退休前后生活保障水平差异的基本指标之一。根据世界银行的建议,要维持退休前的生活水平不下降,养老金替代率应不低于70%,国际劳工组织建议养老金替代率最低标准为55%。