第15题: [单项选择]风湿热最常见的皮肤损害是 A. 环形红斑 B. 结节性红斑 C. 多形红斑 D. 蝶状红斑 E. 圆形红斑 参考答案:A
第16题: [多项选择]借贷资本和职能资本相比,其特点是( )。 A. 一种资本商品 B. 一种财产资本 C. 一种独立形式的资本 D. 能够获得平均利润 参考答案:A,B 答案解析:[解析] 与职能资本相比,借贷资本具有三个特点:第一,借贷资本是一种资本商品,兼有资本和商品两重属性;第二,借贷资本是一种财产资本,凭借资本所有权就可直接取得资本收益;第三,借贷资本具有独特的循环运动
第17题: [填空题]It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself. 参考答案:用其论点反过来驳斥他自己
第34题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. Hold her breath. B. Not to be annoyed. C. Not saying anything. D. Make further suggestions. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
W:I should tell them they shouldn’t waste money on such meaningless matter.
M:They never li