[单项选择]十一个月患儿,发热、咳嗽2天,以肺炎收入院。入院第2天,突然烦躁不安、呼吸急促、发绀。查体:T38℃,呼吸70次/min,心率186次/min,心音低钝,两肺细湿啰音增多,肝肋下3.5cm。该患儿最可能并发了()。 A. 中毒性脑病 B. 急性呼吸衰竭 C. 脓气胸 D. 肺大疱 E. 急性心力衰竭
第24题: [多项选择]现在,不少大学毕业生在找工作前特别要花上一笔数目不小的钱把自己好好装扮一下,有些学生甚至认为外貌比能力更重要,是这样吗 参考答案:写作提示 本文为议论文。属“观点对比型”模式。根据所给标题和情景,可以确定本文是围绕“找工作时是外貌还是能力更重要”的话题展开。 第一段先综述现象:不少大学毕业生在找工作前特别要花上一笔数目不小的钱把自己好好装扮一下,然后引出观点有些人认为找工作时外貌比能力更重要。第二段则是就中心论点找工作时是能力比外貌更重要进行分析和阐明。第三段是结合前面的分析,提出作者的个人看法:能力比外貌要更重要。 Sample Writing Which Really Counts - Ability or Good Looks Nowadays, more and more college graduates spend much money on expensive clothes for a job interview. They think it is necessary to dress up and have good looks when taking an interview because many interviewers seem to pay much attention on the looks of the interviewees. Some of them even come to the conclusion that appearance is more important than ability when they find that it’s usually easier for those pretty but not so talented girls to get good jobs. It’s nice. of course, to have a pretty face or handsome looks, especially in the modern society. But ability definitely weighs more than good looks. Let a wise employer makes a choice between an interviewee who has greater ability and one who only has a charming smile, he will surely choose the former because he is quite clear that goods looks is innate, while ability comes from practice. A more capable employee is more likely to be hardworking and able to do his job well. In my opinion, ability is certainly more important than good looks. Beauty does not last long whereas great ability can benefit us for a lifetime. We should make use of every chance to improve our ability so as to adapt to the society.