第30题: [单项选择]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.A. It is close to the school. B. It is quiet and good for sleep. C. It has convenient facilities. D. The rental agreement is good. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] What is the advantage of staying in the apartment according to the woman
[解析] 结
第31题: [多项选择]下列对偶句中,属于串对(流水对)的有()。 A. 铁肩担道义,妙手著文章。 B. 江南的风景,处处可爱;江南的人事,事事堪哀。 C. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 D. 写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入骨三分。 E. 吃过黄连苦,方知蜜糖甜。 参考答案:C, E