第16题: [多项选择]根据企业所得税财产损失扣除方法,当出现现金损失时,应提供的证据有( )。 A. 现金保管人确认的现金盘点表 B. 现金保管人对于短款的说明及相关核准文件 C. 由于管理责任造成的,应当有对责任认定及赔偿情况的说明 D. 涉及刑事犯罪的应当提供有关司法涉案材料 参考答案:A,B,C,D
第28题: [单项选择]The workers finally called off the strike. A. put off B. ended C. cancelled D. participated in 参考答案:C 答案解析:call off和cancel同义:取消;put off:推迟;end:结束;participate in:参加。
第34题: [单项选择]The powers of the European Commission to {{U}}regulate{{/U}} competition in the Community are increasing. A. fight B. abolish C. remove D. control 参考答案:D 答案解析:regulate:调整;控制。consol:控制。She also had a temper, but she controlled it. fight:搏斗;战斗。More units to fig