第26题: [判断题]A delivery order is a commitment on the part of the shipper to ship the goods and serves as the basis for the preparation of the bill of lading.( ) 参考答案:错 答案解析:[解析] 托运单(booking note)是指由托运人根据买卖合同和信用证的有关内容向承运人或他的代理人办理货物运输的书面凭证,托运单是提单制作的基础;提货单(delivery order)是收货人
A. is an inevitable struggle resulting from competition B. reflects the struggle among social animals C. is an opposition among individual social entities D. can be avoided 参考答案:D 答案解析:根据文章的最后一句:“…It cannot be said that war—like conflict among nations is in-evi- table...”可知,conflict 不