第3题: [简答题]{{B}}Say something about market research (The importance of conducting market research before launching a new product.){{/B}} 参考答案: 答案解析:{{B}}{{I}}Suggested answers:{{/B}}{{/I}}
a.When you plan to launch a new product, you must condu
第5题: [多项选择]将民事条款分出,不再科刑,以示民、刑有别的法典是哪些( ) A. 《宋刑统》 B. 《元典章》 C. 《大明律》 D. 《大清现行刑律》 参考答案:D 答案解析:本题涉及晚清法律改革。沈家本主持修订的《大清现行刑律》将民事条款分出,不再科刑。
第6题: [单项选择]患者女性,27岁。节食减肥2个月,最近因乏力头晕前来就诊。血常规:RBC3.0×1012/L,Hb50g/L,MCV70fl。骨髓检查:骨髓增生明显活跃,红系增生,以中晚幼红增生为主。下列对该患者的诊断最有帮助的化学染色是() A. POX B. PAS C. NAP D. 铁染色 E. SBB 参考答案:D
A. the writer decided to push through the thick bushes B. the writer decided to walk along the valley C. the writer wanted to stop climbing D. the writer tried to find two eggs 参考答案:B 答案解析:解析:从文章第一段第二句“Rather than go through these,I decided that if we walked along the bottom of this valle