[单项选择]The aspect of Houston’s work most extensively discussed in the passage is its A. psychological canniness B. judicial complexity C. fundamental efficiency D. radical intellectualism E. exaggerated idealism
参考答案:A 答案解析:In assessing the possible effects on judges of race mixing in the lower grades, Houston was psycholo
第29题: [单项选择]患者,女,31岁,发热,全身酸痛,轻度黄疸半个多月,伴有酱油色尿。实验室检查:Hb62g/L,RBC2.52×1012/L,HCT0.26,RDW0.14,WBC10.8×109/L,尿常规:尿蛋白(+),尿隐血(+++),尿胆原(+++)。其红细胞直方图上曲线可显示() A. 主峰左移,RDW正常 B. 主峰右移,RDW增宽 C. 主峰右移,RDW正常 D. 主峰正常,RDW正常 E. 主峰正常,RDW增宽 参考答案:C