第22题: [填空题]The critics of the flat tax system argue that the wealthy people in the United States would be most benefited rather than people with low income. 参考答案:Y 答案解析:该句的句意为:固定税收制度的批评者认为这种制度使美国的富人受益,而不是低收入者受益。在“The Flat Tax”一节的第三段中,作者介绍在现今的税收制度下,低收入人群现在只需交纳15%的税,而高收入
第23题: [单项选择]Since she was alone, she opened the door ______ , leaving the chain lock fastened. A. warily B. consciously C. audaciously D. recklessly 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] A选项的“warily小心地,警惕地”符合题意。其他三项“C选项audaciously大胆地,鲁莽地;D选项recklessly鲁莽地,不计后果地;B选项consciously有意识地,有知
第24题: [单项选择]组胺释放作用最强的肌松药是()。 A. 筒箭毒碱 B. 泮库溴铵 C. 阿曲库铵 D. 美维松 E. 琥珀胆碱 参考答案:A