第9题: [单项选择]The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed to thank ______. A. God B. their ancestors C. their parents D. the pilgrims 参考答案:A 答案解析:感恩节是美国固定假日中最地道、最美式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。1620年,一些朝圣者(或清教徒)乘坐“五月花”号船去美国寻求宗教自由。他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月
第29题: [单项选择]Foam is a very effective smothering agent and(). A. it provides cooling as a secondary effect B. works well on extinguishing electrical fires C. can be used to combat combustible metal fires D. All of the above 参考答案:A