第22题: [单项选择]目前数据加密技术主要使用的有3类:______加密。 A. 对称型、不对称型、不可逆 B. 对称型、单密钥型、不可逆 C. 双密钥型、不对称型、不可逆 D. 对称型加密、不对称型、双密钥型 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 目前数据加密技术主要使用的有对称型加密、不对称型加密和不可逆加密3类。对称型加密算法又称单密钥加密,它使用的加密密钥和解密密钥是同一个密钥,典型的代表是DES算法。不对称型加密算法也称公开密
第23题: [单项选择]有关耳廓外伤的论述,错误的是() A. 耳廓外伤以挫伤及撕裂伤多见 B. 耳廓挫伤常引起血肿,但易自行吸收 C. 撕裂伤常有不同程度的耳廓组织损坏 D. 对完全断离的耳廓应及时清洗,并用肝素冲洗后,尽早对位缝合 E. 耳廓外伤可单独发生,也可伴发于邻近组织的外伤 参考答案:B
第27题: [多项选择]女性开始走出家门进入社会各个领域。 2.随着女性社会地位的提高,她们在家庭中的地位也提高了。 3.妇女解放运动还需人们的不断努力。 Women in Modern Society 参考答案:Women in Modern Society Women are playing an important role in modern society. Women can receive the same education as men do. Women’s jobs are not limited to traditional typists and secretaries. They arc entering almost every field that used to be forbidden areas for women such as military and scientific field. With the increase in women’s economic positions, women’s position at home has also improved. Housework has been shared by husband and wife. Still there are places that women are poorly paid even though they do the same work as men. Women’s liberation still needs time to he completely realized.