[单项选择]A. What the man’s plans are for tonight. B. Why the man does not want to play tennis. C. Why they do not have time to play tennis after class today. D. What time they can meet in the library.
参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Hey! Are you going to play some tennis this afternoon M: Well, to tell you the trut
第29题: [单项选择]最常见的肛管直肠周围脓肿是 A. 肛周脓肿 B. 坐骨直肠窝脓肿 C. 骨盆直肠脓肿 D. 直肠后窝脓肿 E. 高位肌间脓肿 参考答案:A 答案解析:肛周脓肿是最常见的肛管直肠周围脓肿,多由肛腺感染经外括约肌皮下部向外或直接向外扩散而成。
第30题:[单选题]The function of e-commerce is more than just buying and selling goods and services on the Internet. A.电子商务的功能很多,如提供网上货物交易的服务。 B.电子商务更多的功能在于做买卖并提供网络服务。 C.电子商务的功能不只是在互联网上买卖货物和服务。 D.电子商务的功能更多的是从互联网上买卖货物和服务。 参考答案:C