第17题: [单项选择]A. Their son will be a little bit influenced. B. Their son will not take the examination owing to the weather. C. The weather will affect their son severely. D. The weather will not make any difference to their son. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] W: It is forecasted that tomorrow will be hot with the temperature up to 35 degrees centigr
第35题: [单项选择]患者,女性,69岁。右眼渐进性无痛性视力下降3年,右眼突然胀痛,伴头痛,呕吐4小时。眼部检查:视力:右指数/30cm,左0.5。右眼角膜雾状混浊,前房浅,瞳孔圆形,直径6mm,晶状体皮质大部分混浊,眼底看不清。左眼角膜透明,瞳孔圆形,直径3mm,晶状体皮质轻度混浊,眼底无明显异常。对帮助诊断最有价值的检查项目是()。 A. 裂隙灯 B. 检眼镜 C. 眼压 D. B超 E. CT 参考答案:C