[单项选择]男性,67岁。右下腹痛8,天伴呕吐,体温35.0℃脉搏120次/分,血压80/50mmHg(10.7/6.67kPa),神志不清,烦躁不安,全腹压痛、反跳痛,四肢冰冷、青紫呈花斑发绀,尿量<25ml/小时。3年前有陈旧性心肌梗死。考虑该病人是 A. 心源性休克 B. 低血容量性休克(中度) C. 低血容量性休克(重度) D. 感染中毒性休克(冷休克) E. 感染中毒性休克(暖休克)
第10题: [单项选择]Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the woman A. She had never read the magazine herself. B. She knew who usually read the magazine. C. She was quite interested in the new device. D. She agreed with Bill at the end of the conversation. 参考答案:B
第11题: [单项选择]油船物件设计承受力()。 A. 低于大气压0.024MPa B. 达到大气压0.024MPa C. 超过大气压0.024MPa D. A、B、C都不对 参考答案:C