第10题: [单项选择]What crime have the two police officials in Argentina been convicted of. A. They have been convicted of corruption. B. They have been convicted of baby abduction. C. They have been convicted of military dictatorship. D. They have been convicted of military corruption. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] 25-26 Two police officials in Argentina have been sentenced to seven years in prison for
第18题: [单项选择]釉质的无机成分占重量的() A. 95%~96% B. 86% C. 70% D. 45%~50% E. 30% 参考答案:A 答案解析:备选答案是牙体硬组织化学组成的比例,包括釉质、牙本质和牙骨质。我们应当记忆辨别其硬组织的化学组成,釉质的无机成分占重量的95%~96%、占体积的86%,有机成分占重量的0.4%~0.8%。牙本质无机成