第16题: [单项选择]宋人陆九渊说:“东海有圣人出焉,此心同也,此理同也。西海有圣人出焉,此心同也,此理同也。……千百世之上有圣人出焉,此心同也,此理同也。千百年之下有圣人出焉,此心同也,此理同也。”由此可推知苏格拉底和孔子、朱熹、王阳明思想的相通之处在于探讨() A. 人类的普遍道德标准问题 B. 抽象意义上的哲学理论问题 C. 治理国家的基本方法问题 D. 对宇宙人生的终极关怀问题 参考答案:A
第30题: [单项选择] Which of the following statements is NOT true A. The first cheerleader was a man named John Campbell. B. Cheerleaders’’ contests are only held at the state level. C. Before 1930 there were no women cheerleaders. D. The first cheerleading occurred in 1898. 参考答案:B 答案解析:从文中“Cheerleaders have their own contests every year at local,state and national levels.”可以得出B为不正确陈述。