第1题: [简答题]According to the author, what factors have been contributing to the boom of delivery business 参考答案: 答案解析:The boom of delivery business can be attributed to the following reasons: 1. the success of e commer
第29题: [多项选择]某国的 ABC 银行在你行(DEF 银行)开设了人民币帐户。过去的帐户余额按 5%计年息,从 19××年 7月 1 日起将按 5.5%计算,透支额 6%计。
请按标准格式,代表你行会计部主任向对方发一公函,告示知上述变动,并提醒对方,在你行开设的人民币帐户一般不可透支,要求对方无论休时都要保有贷方余额,出现透支时,随即予以补上。 参考答案:(DEF BANK’S HEAD)
(Date of Writing this letter)
(Writer’s Reference )
ABC BANK (and its address)
(Attention note)
Dear Sirs,
Change in Interest Rate
This letter is to notify that effective July Ast ,AIXX until further notice interest is to be calculated on the credit
balance at E.E% p.a. (instead of E% at present) and charged at F% p.a. on overdrafts in your Renminbi Account
with us. We would add that. Generally your account is not allowed to be overdrawn and it is hoped that you will
see to it that your account always keeps a credit balance and is replenished in time when overdrawn.
Yours faithfully,
(My signature)
(My name typed out in capitalized letters )
For (Controller’s name)