第4题: [多项选择]患者,男性,25岁,以饮酒后左上腹疼痛伴恶心、呕吐8小时就诊。该患者腹痛呈持续性刀割样疼痛,并向左腰背部放射,呕吐后疼痛不缓解。查体:急性痛苦面容,大汗淋漓,左上腹压痛明显。化验血淀粉酶明显高于正常。提问:急性胰腺炎患者淀粉酶测定下列各项中正确的是() A. 血淀粉酶在起病后6~12小时开始升高 B. 尿淀粉酶升高比血淀粉酶晚 C. 血淀粉酶持续3~5天 D. 尿淀粉酶持续7~14天 E. 淀粉酶的高低一定能反映病情的轻重 F. 尿淀粉酶升高比血淀粉酶早 参考答案:A, B, C, D
第7题: [简答题]What are typical and common patterns of motility in different parts of gastrointestinal tracts and each function (10 Points) 参考答案:
(1) The common pattern of motility in different parts of gastrointestinal tracts is peristalsis for decomposition of ingested food and combination with digestive juice. (1`)
(2) The typical pattern of motility at stomach is receptive relaxation for store of food. (3`)
(3) The typical pattern of motility at small intestine is segmentation for turning food into smaller particles and helping absorption. (3`)
(4) The typical pattern of motility at large intestine is mass movement for pushing the contents in the colon into the next downstream segment. (3`)