A. They had difficulty improving upon the trumpet. B. They could not play simple tunes. C. They were not able to pick up the trumpet. D. They could not play all the notes of the scale. 参考答案:D 答案解析:细节题。根据“…extend the range higher and lower,make it possible to play more difficult music…”很明显答案为[D]。
第9题: [单项选择]口服胆囊造影,常用的造影剂为 A. 硫酸钡 B. 泛影葡胺 C. 碘油 D. 胆影葡胺 E. 碘番酸 参考答案:E 答案解析:[解题思路] 口服胆囊造影,常用的造影剂为碘番酸。胆影葡胺是常用的静脉胆道造影剂。泛影葡胺及胆影葡胺均可用作胆道直接造影时(PTC或T管造影)的造影剂。硫酸钡用于胃肠造影。碘油可用于一般的窦道造影。
第14题: [单项选择]The production method is not dependent on the size of a company because different products can be______ A. displayed at different locations B. produced by different production methods C. designed by different specialists D. sold at different markets 参考答案:B 答案解析:本题属于推理题,与其相关的段落为第二段。第二段讲到生产方式并不是由公司或厂家的规模决定的,至于原因何在,本段没有直接指出。但是,由“in fact”引出的汽车工业的例子说明,生产方式是由产品的种类决定
第18题: [单项选择]小儿正常舌质是() A. 淡白 B. 绛红 C. 紫暗 D. 暗红 E. 淡红 参考答案:E 答案解析:小儿正常舌象为"淡红舌,薄白苔"。【名师点拨】舌质淡白为气血亏虚;舌质绛红,舌有红刺,为温热病邪入营入血;舌质红少苔,甚则无苔而干,为阴虚火旺;舌质紫黯或紫红,为气血淤滞;舌起粗大红刺,状如草莓者,常