第1题: [单项选择]Instead of saying "The lion beat the unicorn all round the town." they say "All around the town the lion beat the unicorn." The change in linear order changes our perspective about the concerns of the clause. This is an example of ______ function of language. 参考答案:A 答案解析:本题考查语言学家及其理论知识。语言学家雅克布逊(Jakobson)认为,语言首先是为了交流,交流的目不只是所指,还有说话者、听话者、语境、信息、语码、接触等言语行为的六大要素,与此相关,他还在交流系统
第3题:[单选题]Who is responsible for checking the plane under Non-stop release? A.Trained and qualified crew members B.Trained and qualified Captain C.Trained and qualified co-pilot D. anyone of crew members 参考答案:B
第35题: [单项选择]女婴,胎龄31周,胎膜早破21小时,顺产,出生体重1500g,生后4小时出现呼吸急促、呻吟及发绀,并进行性加重,而且伴呼吸暂停2次。查体:呼吸促,三凹征阳性,双肺呼吸音低,心率150次/分,四肢肌张力低。第一天不能经口喂养,需静脉补液。液体需要量为() A. 60~80ml/kg B. 80~90ml/kg C. 90~100ml/kg D. 100~120ml/kg E. 120~150ml/kg 参考答案:A