第3题: [单项选择]程序编制有三个层次,其实施顺序应是 A. 编码、画程序框图、测试 B. 编码、写程序文档、排错 C. 编码、测试、排错 D. 编码、画程序框图、排错 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 程序的编制有三个层次,即编码、测试和排错。一个完整的程序,甚至程序模块,都必须完成这三个层次的过程。因此,一个严格的软件开发过程可能是由编码人员和测试人员组成,而且强调测试应该由专门的测试人
第6题: [多项选择]眼下大学生在外租房居住的现象十分普遍 2. 对比分析在外租房居住和在学校座的利弊 3. 我的看法 On college Students’ Renting Houses off Campus 参考答案: [范文] [A]According to a recent survey,[B]AH.G percent of college students now live in their rented“homes”off cam- pus instead of the assigned dormitories on campus.[C]They Say,in their own small kingdom,they are enjoying more freedom they deserve as grown-ups.[D]It is estimated that another D.H percent undergraduates are thinking of joining them. [E]It is undeniable that many dormitories are far from being satisfactory——small,shabby,noisy,stuffy in summer and freezing in winter.[F]But the merits of living on campus outweigh its demerits:[G]By sharing a room with others,one learns how to understand,compromise with and help each other as well as how to live a regular life.[H]Through more communication, one is better informed and thus enjoys more opportunities.[I]Besides,a lot of educational facilities are near at hand and[A0]出e accommodation fee is much lower than the monthly rent.[AA]Sure,[AB]if you rent a well-furnished room,you may live more comfortably and enjoy more freedom,[AC]but you are often lonely and insecure for lack Of companions,and sometimes you might abuse your freedom. So, move back to the dormitory.Maybe the conditions are not desirable,but it is real college life,and it is rewarding!
第14题: [单项选择]物流控制原理有推进控制原理和拉引控制原理。其中物流推进控制原理具有( )的特点。 A. 集中控制 B. 分散控制 C. 总体控制 D. 局部控制 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 物流推进控制原理的基本方式是根据最终需求结构,计算出各阶段的商品需求量,考虑各阶段的供应提前期之后,向各阶段发出指令。其特点是集中控制,各阶段的物流活动服从集中控制的指令。
第15题: [多项选择]外感咳嗽的特点有() A. 起病急,病程短 B. 伴不同程度的表证 C. 夜间咳嗽重 D. 咳嗽痰多 E. 舌红苔黄 参考答案:A, B
第22题: [多项选择]下列行为,属于增值税视同销售的有() A. 在同一个县(市)范围内设有两个机构并实行统一核算的纳税人,将货物从一个机构移送另一机构用于销售 B. 将外购的货物抵付员工工资 C. 将自产货物作为股利分配给股东 D. 将外购的货物用于集体福利 E. 将委托加工收回的货物用于个人消费 参考答案:C, E
第23题: [单项选择]根据数据分布形式,有同步和不同步数据的差别。以下数据形式中哪些数据具有这种性质 A. 划分数据 B. 独立模式数据 C. 不相容数据 D. 复制数据 参考答案:D 答案解析:复制数据、子集数据重组数据中的数据,相同内容可以存放在两个或多 个机器中,要保持多个副本的同步即是分布式数据的同步问题。而所列的四个选项中, 只有复制数据有同步和不同步的差别。