第13题:[单选题]Fuel quantity detection value would be different in different aircraft pitch attitude, it might cause overweight landing. According to Chief Pilot Advisory, to prevent overweight landing, current aircraft weight should be less than MLW - ()KG when captured LOC. A.200 B.150 C.100 参考答案:A
第21题: [单项选择]工艺过程事故易发性的影响因素确定为( )项。 A. 18 B. 19 C. 20 D. 21 参考答案:D 答案解析:工艺过程事故易发性的影响因素确定为21项,分别是:放热反应;吸热反应;物料处理;物料储存;操作方式;粉尘生成;低温条件;高温条件;高压条件;特殊的操作条件;腐蚀;泄漏;设备因素;密闭单元;工艺布置;明