第13题: [填空题]The main consumers who can choose to make the most of those urban cultural opportunities or get away at weekends to the countryside will be ______ and perhaps some "empty nesters". 参考答案:single people,couples without children 答案解析:[题眼] The main consumers who can choose to make the most of those urban cultural opportunities or get
第30题:[单选题]The intended direction of flight in horizontal plane measured in degrees from north. A.在水平面上,预定航向以东为基准,以分为单位进行测量。 B.在水平面上,预定航向以北为基准,以分为单位进行测量。 C.在水平面上,预定航向以东为基准,以度为单位进行测量。 D.在水平面上,预定航向以北为基准,以度为单位进行测量。 参考答案:D
第35题: [单项选择]下列哪项为产后异常的临床表现() A. 产后12小时体温37.8℃ B. 产后3天下腹部阵痛,有时难忍 C. 产后3天仍为血性恶露 D. 经阴道分娩的产妇,产后16天宫底在耻上一横指 E. 产后5天,双侧乳房出现肿、胀、痛 参考答案:D 答案解析:产后10天,子宫降入盆腔,腹部不可触及。