第19题: [单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. She should live in the country. B. She should live near the spring. C. He prefers to live in the country. D. He agrees with the woman. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] W: If I were you I’d live in the city instead of commuting to work by train. M: But the
第28题: [单项选择]女性,27岁。诉全口牙龈肿胀、出血不止、疼痛明显3天。口腔检查:全口牙龈肿大波及牙间乳头、边缘龈和附着龈,颜色苍白,龋缘处有坏死溃疡,局部有渗血。口腔黏膜上可见出血点。血常规示:白细胞数异常增加并出现不成熟白细胞。初步诊断为:急性白血病的牙龋表现。下列处理中哪项是错误的 A. 应及时与内科医生配合治疗 B. 口腔治疗应为保守治疗 C. 如需要可行手术或活体组织病理检查 D. 出血可用局部压迫或药物止血E E. 局部用3%过氧化氢溶液轻轻冲洗 参考答案:C