[单项选择]桂枝加芍药汤的组成是() A. 桂枝二两,芍药六两,甘草三两,大枣十二枚,生姜三两 B. 桂枝四两,芍药六两,甘草二两,大枣十二枚,生姜四两 C. 桂枝三两,芍药六两,甘草二两,大枣十二枚,生姜三两 D. 桂枝三两,芍药三两,甘草二两,大枣十二枚,生姜三两 E. 桂枝二两,芍药三两,甘草三两,大枣十二枚,生姜二两
第22题: [单项选择]有关踝关节骨折治疗中错误的是() A. 骨折解剖对位 B. 踝穴不宜过大或过小 C. 内固定坚强 D. 反复整复,争取闭合复位,以免手术 E. 早期功能锻炼 参考答案:D 答案解析:踝部骨质较松,反复整复,容易造成骨折断面不整齐,为手术治疗也造成困难,如果手法整复不容易成功,则不要勉强,要争取尽早手术。
第31题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. A lot of people arc sick during the season. B. The afternoon will be less crowded. C. The doctors kept talking to her for three hours. D. It’s a busy year for the clinic. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文]
M: You’re back at last. What kept you
W: The health clinic was so filled with people that