第4题: [简答题]Directions: Write a composition of no less than 150 words about your opinions on academic plagiarism- the dishonest act in academic communication. Write your answer on ANSWER SHEET 2. 参考答案:
Nowadays,the Internet offers great help for academic research,but it also provides an easy way to plagiarize.Academic plagiarism has become the most common and serious problem in colleges and universities all over the world.
Research is a scientific matter,you should not complain once you step on this road,and it must be considered as an important and inviolable.The soul of a paper is its contribution to knowledge,SO someone’S results and contribution must be respected,and your results and contribution will be respected in that way.
When we do research,we should learn how to be first.That is,precluding academic plagiarism will be kept in the life of your research whenever you have encountered difficult problems.We can find a new way to solve problems rather than just copy the results from others and coin or modify the original data.
In addition,banning academic plagiarism doesn’t mean self-centered study,since learning from others is also advocated and helped.
第5题: [单项选择]根据鼓胀的临床表现,其类似于西医学所指() A. 早期肝硬化 B. 肝硬化腹水 C. 重症肝硬化 D. 心源性肝炎 E. 慢性肝炎 参考答案:B 答案解析:1.鼓胀的概念:鼓胀是指腹部胀大如鼓的一类病证,临床以腹大胀满,绷急如鼓,皮色苍黄,脉络显露为特征,故亦名臌胀。2.源流:鼓胀病名最早见于《内经》。《金匮要略》之肝水、脾水、肾水,均以腹大胀满为主要表
第36题: [多项选择]某中外合资经营企业的外方合营者未按照合同的规定如期缴付其出资,经中方合营者催告1个月后仍未缴付的,可能引起的法律后果有( )。 A. 视同外方合营者自动退出中外合资经营企业 B. 中方合营者向原审批机关申请批准解散中外合资经营企业 C. 中方合营者向原审批机关申请批准另找外方合营者 D. 外方合营者可以采用分期出资的方式继续缴付 参考答案:A,B,C 答案解析:[解析] 本题考核中外合资经营企业的未按约缴付出资的规定。根据规定,守约方应当催告违约方在1个月内交付或者缴清出资,逾期仍未缴付或者缴清的,视同违约方放弃在合同中的一切权利,自动退出外商投资企业。守约