第3题: [单项选择]This passage states that a person is really asleep only A. after dreaming has passed. B. when his EEG reveals no alpha rhythm. C. when his EEG begins to show an alpha rhythm. D. after the completion of his alpha rhythm decline. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查推理判断。该题询问人真正进入睡眠状态是在什么时候。文章先是对人的睡眠进行浅析,而后对进入自然睡眠的过程进行如实描述,而真正进入睡眠状态是该过程所要达到的一个最终状态,所以答案应在文章
第13题: [单项选择]Person-to-person sale failed to meet the need______. A. when the Industrial Revolution started B. when goods began to be produced in great quantities C. because trains replaced men in carrying goods around D. as attention was shifted from distribution to production 参考答案:B 答案解析:选项B的意思为:“当货物批量生产时”。第二段第一句指出,19世纪工业革命以后,产品的批量生产使得面对面的推销方式(person-to-person selling)在推销大多数产品时跟不上需要了,虽然
第18题: [单项选择]与精神意识思维活动关系最密切的是 A. 心主血脉的生理功能 B. 肝主疏泄的生理功能 C. 脾主运化的生理功能 D. 肺主治节的生理功能 E. 肾主藏精的生理功能 参考答案:A 答案解析:《灵枢·本神》指出“心藏脉,脉舍神”。故与精神意识思维活动关系最密切的是心主血脉的生理功能。