第2题: [单项选择]关于分支库的岗位职责分工,下列说法错误的是()。 A. 分支库管库、随车为业务岗,守库、押运、枪支及监管管理、运钞车和护卫车司机为安全岗 B. 业务岗和安全岗之间不得兼任 C. 管库岗可兼任记账和调拨,经一级分行审批可开立ABIS柜员号 D. 单点支行的分支库,报经一级分行运营管理部门批准,管库员可开设ABIS行号,但不得处理库房类交易 参考答案:C
第22题: [单项选择]Some teachers complained that the school board was ______ , focusing on short-term goals while ignoring the long-term benefits of classroom reorganization. A. ambiguous B. myopic C. perceptive D. discerning E. replete 参考答案:B 答案解析:The information following the blank helps to define the word that should go in the blank. The word m