第26题: [单项选择]A female client is being treated for genital herpes. The client should receive teaching on the A. prevention of outbreaks of lesions. B. need to abstain from sexual contact. C. need to keep the perineal area moist. D. need to wear tight-fitting nylon underwear. 参考答案:B 答案解析:The client with genital herpes should be instructed to avoid sexual intercourse until lesions comple
第27题: [多项选择]患者男,60岁,因“瘙痒、红斑1个月”来诊。查体:头面、颈项部、胸部和上肢伸侧及双手见弥漫红斑、肥厚、脱屑伴抓痕血痂,其他部位无皮损。经上述治疗后患者皮损迅速消退,回家后使用1次透明肥皂后皮损复发,诊断是()。 A. 肥皂刺激性皮炎 B. 香料气源性接触性皮炎 C. 湿疹 D. 香料变应性接触性皮炎 E. 松香过敏 F. 肥皂速发型接触性反应 G. 乏脂性湿疹 参考答案:D, E