第13题: [单项选择]How does the woman feel about the news A. She is quite sympathetic towards the doctor. B. She thinks it’s right. C. She does not care. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] M: Did you hear the news about sentence to the doctor who once practiced mercy killing
第26题:[多选题]关于作业现场环保基本要求,表述正确的有? A. 作业现场废物应及时清理,确保“工完料尽场地清”
B. 及时了解作业现场各项污染物的处理方法,按照要求和程序处理扬尘、噪声、固体废物和废水等污染物
C. 油料及化学材料等危险废物发生泄漏应及时清理,避免污染土壤和地下水
D. 瓶罐类物品应尽量将容器内产品用尽、不用清理可以投放至垃圾桶,玻璃类物品应小心轻放,避免破损 参考答案:ABC