第8题: [多项选择]关于土地招标、评标和拍卖,下列说法正确的有( )。 A. 招标人根据评标结果,确定中标人 B. 由评标小组组长宣布最高应价者为竞得人 C. 拍卖主持人无权在拍卖中根据竞买人竞价情况调整拍卖增价的幅度 D. 评标小组应当按照招标文件确定的评标标准和方法,对投标文件进行评审 E. 采取公开拍卖形式时,竞买人不足三人,或者竞买人的最高应价未达到底价时,主持人应当终止拍卖 参考答案:A,D,E 答案解析:[解析] B项,由招投标主持人宣布最高应价者为竞得人;C项,拍卖主持人在拍卖中可根据竞买人竞价情况调整拍卖增价的幅度。
第20题: [单项选择]In 1776 the United States announced the Declaration of Independence to ______ from the British Empire and became an independent country. A. pull clown B. break away C. get off D. drop off 参考答案:B 答案解析:[试题分析] 此题考查动词短语词义。 [详细解答] break away from意为“脱离,摆脱”,符合题意;get off意为“出发,离开”;put down意为“拆毁,拖垮”;drop
第34题: [单项选择]A fire in a ballast pumproom can be brought under control with minimal impact on stability by(). A. cooling the outside bulkheads with water B. shutting all sources of air into the compartment C. closing the sea chest D. flooding the compartment with salt water 参考答案:B