第13题: [单项选择]患者男性,67岁。发热伴右上腹钝痛2天,恶心,食欲下降、乏力。继往有糖尿病史。查体:T39.4℃,右下胸及肝区叩击痛,右上腹肌紧张及触痛。X线胸腹部检查示:肝影增大伴局限性隆起,右膈肌上抬。18F-FDGPET示肝右叶放射性分布局灶性异常浓聚,SUVave5.7,SUVmax8.6。诊断首选考虑的是()。 A. 肝细胞癌 B. 细菌性肝脓肿 C. 阿米巴肝脓肿 D. 急性肝炎 E. 胆道感染 参考答案:B
第27题: [单项选择]Villagers and those newly arrived from Europe, fed up with terms of employment and tenancy in the rural areas, took advantage of cheap modern transportation to move into the cities. A. discontented with B. acquainted with C. furnished with D. favoured with 参考答案:A