第8题: [单项选择]女,65岁,直肠癌术后3天,突发呼吸心搏骤停,行心肺复苏时,正确的胸外心脏按压部位是() A. 胸骨左缘第四肋间 B. 胸骨的下1/2 C. 胸骨上、中1/3交接处 D. 胸骨中、下1/3交接处 E. 胸骨左缘第四肋间腋中线上 参考答案:D 答案解析:手掌根部置于胸骨中、下1/3的中轴线上,借自身体重力通过双臂和双手掌,垂直向脊柱方向挤压胸骨,使之下陷4~5cm,按压、放松的时间比为1:1,成人的按压频率每分钟80~100次。正确的操作可使动脉压6
第21题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. To tell the woman something about the car. B. To look for his wife. C. To show the woman his wife’s car. D. To ask his wife to answer the phone. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文]
W: Hello, Mr. Johnson! I’m calling about the car you advertised. Can you tell me something a