第4题:[多选题]6.当雨量达出巡警戒时,( )。《防洪标准化管理办法》52条 A. 雨量员应第一时间向雨量计站点关联车站报告 B. 车站负责通知本站区供电、信号设备管理单位及邻站 C. 邻站负责通知本站区工务、供电、信号设备管理单位 D. 各相关设备管理单位接到通知后,应立即安排对雨量计站点前后区段进行出巡检查 参考答案:ABCD
A. began in the 20th century. B. escalated in the 20th century. C. is a modern phenomenon. D. is genetically predetermined. 参考答案:B 答案解析:A说人类在开发武器方面的竞赛始于20世纪,这是错误的,因为文章中反复讲到军备竞赛自古就有。同样,C也是错的。D说这种竞赛是遗传决定的。这在文中没有证据。B说该种竞赛在20世纪有了升级。这与 "Weap
第25题: [单项选择]The purpose of the last paragraph is to indicate A. a link between success in interview and personality. B. connections between work abilities and personality. C. differences in interview experience. D. differences in personal behaviour. 参考答案:A 答案解析:此题为一般推理题。根据最后1段与上一段在内容上的联系可以确定。
▲ there is little,if anything,to choose between half a doze
第29题: [简答题]List any 4 most general types of bank loans and advances that banks provide to all economic sectors. 参考答案: 答案解析:a. working capital loans
b. start-up loans
c. syndicated loans
d. project financing