第30题: [简答题]根据提示的情景写一篇短文。 小刘学了几年英语,由于没有经常进行听说训练,遇到外宾时,他听不懂,也表达不清。今后他要试用各种技巧和方法来提高英语水平。 注意: 1.词数100词左右。 2.用第三人称叙述。 参考答案:
Xiao Liu has learned English for several years. He can do well in English tests. He can read English books and magazines. But he hasn’t laid great emphasis on practising listening and speaking. Last week, when he met with a foreign guest, he was shocked, because not only did he misunderstand what the foreigner said but he couldn’t express himself in English.
Now he has made up his mind to try every means to improve his listening and speaking ability. He will listen to English tape record and English broadcast every day. He will practise speaking English with his friends after class. He hopes to meet with the same foreigner and talk to him freely in English some day.
第31题: [单项选择]下列为Alzheimer病的病理改变,除了 A. 老年斑 B. 神经原纤维缠结 C. Pick小体 D. 广泛的神经元缺失 E. 海马锥体细胞的颗粒空泡变性 参考答案:C